HP Blade GB2E Switch Reference

Port 1-16 是内联刀片的downlink口
Port 17-18 是switch互联用,默认是disable的
Port 19是给Blade On-board Administrator用
Port 20-24 是uplink口

To access the switch locally:
1. Connect the switch DB-9 serial connector, using the null-modem serial cable to a local client device (such as a laptop computer) with VT100 terminal emulation software.
2. Open a VT100 terminal emulation session with these settings: 9600 baud rate, eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit, and no flow control.

1. 登录默认密码:user级别口令: user/user,管理员口令: admin/admin
2. 修改默认口令 cfg → sys → access → user → admpw → apply → save
>> Main# cfg
>> Configuration# sys
>> System# access/user/admpw
Changing ADMINISTRATOR password; validation required:
Enter current admin password:
Enter new administrator password:
Re-enter new administrator password:
New administrator password accepted.

>> System# apply
>> System# save


网络配置,21端口上联到Core 1,22端口上联到Core 2,所以要添加此端口关联到所有VLAN,并且在上联端口上enable tag,所有downlink都不需要tag
配置命令 cfg → port 22→ ena → cur →tag e →apply → save → cur
配置21和22端口到网管vlan 11
配置命令cfg → l2 → vlan 11 → ena  →add 21  → add 22  → apply  → save → cur
配置命令cfg → l3 → if 1 → addr → mask → ena → apply → save → cur
配置命令cfg → l3 → gw 1 → addr → ena →apply → save → cur

cfg -- Configure ,是第一层菜单
sys -- System
l2 -- Layer 2, vlan 配置在这里做
l3 -- Layer 3, 网管IP, interface配置在这里
port -- 端口配置
ena -- enable
addr -- 设置地址
mask -- 设置掩码
cur -- current的缩写,查看当前配置
apply -- 应用配置(没apply之前cur显示的还是旧的)
save --保存配置,这样reboot后配置不会丢失

注:默认telnet/console session的保持时间是5分钟